Application of the servant to me and his abundanceBecause my family is my heart, my abundance, and my servant. This application makes it easy for Every service is as good as it is From labor and salesPurchasing equipment and halalAnd renting the farms and farms, and selling and purchasing the latest airfare and farms.Seedlings and treesﷺ and tFodder and livestock equipmentMqa, Lat, and letter FHeavy equipmentMaa ko la tBuying and selling sweatersBuying and selling farmsFor rent, shops and attractions.AnimalsTake a horseﷺ ﷺLivestock servicesEngines and heavy machineryIts chalets are fixed and mobileA bar a r to ziaBitar YaMuhannad s za r aiA network that visits a villageBahiratDElectrical technician BHealthyTransport or fodder All the needs you need are available in the Al-Abdulli and Al-Walwa application. Fer e